It's A….









Can't wait to meet you baby BOY!!! 


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Isabella is ONE!!  I can't believe how fast time flies… it seems like we JUST did her newborn session. She is a sweet & spunky little girl with lots of personality!  It was wonderful to capture this time in her life. Thanks Josh & Beth for another great shoot!

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This week, I had the honor of photographing one of my great friends who is expecting a baby in september! She and her husband are a part of our youth leadership team at church, and we all couldn't be more thrilled to have a BABY on the way!!! Next week, they are finding out if its a Boy or Girl, so….. photos were in order!! It wasn't the greatest weather, but we made it work.  Really… she could make any type of weather work, cause she's just that gorgeous, and pregnancy looks great on her!!  

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So…….. Do you think Emily is having a 


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OR…. a 


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Come back on Tuesday for the big reveal!!!

Until then…… what's your guess? BOY? or GIRL? 


I traveled a little for this session, and it was so worth it. Mom & Dad + 2 cute brothers = one Adorable Family! It took a little bit for the boys to warm up…. but I think we got some great shots! Thanks Katie, for allowing me to capture your adorable family!


How gorgeous is this family?!!

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Little Michael is 6 months! Seems like just yesterday we did his newborn session, and I know his one year will be here before we know it!  I just love being able to capture the first year… its such a privilege to watch these sweet babies grow!  Thanks for another great session! Enjoy your preview :) 

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We always sneak miss paige in as well :)

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