I have loved capturing evan for the past year… He is so sweet and I love that I get to watch him grow! For this session we went to the Pumpkin Patch. Thanks Katie & AJ for another great shoot! Enjoy your preview :)
Meet the Saylor family. I have known them my entire life. . . and what an honor to photograph such a Godly, loving, and humble family. Rev. Saylor has been one of the ministers on staff here at our church since the beginning. But he is so much more than that to so many. He is loving, and giving, humble, honorable, has a heart for people like i've never seen, and would do anything for anyone. Mrs. Saylor is one of the nurses here at our hospital, and was with my mom the whole way through her breast cancer surgeries. . . I could never thank her enough for her love, friendship, prayers, and support towards my mom and our family during that time. What a great examples they are for all of us young people. Its so evident that he has taught his family the same values as well. I love how their families love for each other shows through these photos. Thank you, for choosing me to capture your beautiful family. Enjoy your preview:)
I just love this one of all the guys!
All the grandbabies!
Alexa is 3 years old! I just love her spunky sweetness.
lovee love this one :)
Mackenzie and I had the honor of capturing this special day for Tim and Sherri. We had a BLAST! It was one of those weddings that made us LOVE shooting weddings all over again. Everything about it was beautiful. Their love for each other was so evident and we loved that… We may have even teared up during the ceremony :). Thanks, Tim & Sherri for trusting us to capture your special day!
Sherri.. you were stunning!
I love this photo… Sherri's mom had the same photo from her wedding.. and all the sisters have got it in honor of their mom.
Meet baby Michael. . . I had a great time capturing this beautiful family. Especially Michael's older sissy Paige… she is so spunky and sweet. His mom and dad run Dog Haven Ranch here in Midland. . .if you have a dog and need training or daycare.. check them out! Thanks Ryan & Amy for allowing me to capture your beautiful family. Enjoy your preview!
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