Little Miss Maddie girl is 6 months already!! I can't believe how fast time is flying by…. She is just as sweet as ever.. and was such a trooper for her session! It was SO HOT that day. Thanks Chels, once again for allowing me to capture my little Maddie Love you both!
Lovin' this face!
I bought her this sweatshirt… and I just LOVE it :)
Another month gone by! This year is FLYING! I can't belive that its almost fall already. Little Wesley was pretty sleepy during this session… but we got a couple good shots :)
Sweet Mazie girl is 6 months old already! It seems like we just did her newborn session… I just love watching my little clients grow!!
FINALLY, I am posting the wedding of Nick & Amanda. You guys have been SO patient Thank-you. What a beautiful wedding, and couldn't have been a more perfect day! Congratulations, and thanks for allowing me to capture your day.
I love the emotion in this next photo
The first look:
These are the 3 greatest kids i've met in a long time. They all have their own unique personalities, but are all so sweet, kind, funny, & polite- I appreciate that. Thanks, Courtney for giving me the honor of capturing your sweet kids. I'm not quite sure how anyone couldn't fall in love with them after a peek at these photos! Enjoy your preview :)
Sweet Madison:
Zoe Girl:
Mr. Zion:
All 3 Kiddos:
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