Little Miss Claire… she loves lady bugs so her mom picked a Red tutu :) I loved it! As much as I do love the color pink… I LOVE seeing other colors in tutus. Enjoy your preview!
love this!
Meet little miss Maggie She is 10 months old, and the sweetest most precious little girl ever! All smiles the whole time. She LOVED my favorite yellow chair… which was so cute too! We had to hide it from her to get a couple shots without it towards the end
Thanks for a super fun session! p.s. It was SO hard to decide which to post… I love them all! Enjoy your preview!
LOVE this face.
This face cracks me up!! Love it!!
This was my 3rd session while in the beautiful Cinci area. For this family we went to a nearby park that was so beautiful! We had a great time capturing this beautiful family! Thanks for an awesome session, and thanks for being so patient! Enjoy your preview… I have soo many favorites
My Fourth and Final Session while in Cincinatti :) This sweet girl was SO great to photograph and so beautiful! Her dad jumped in a few towards the end as well. Thanks for a great session! Enjoy your preview!
This is probably my favorite of Sydney from the session…
This was my 3rd session while in the beautiful Cinci area. For this family we went to a nearby park that was so beautiful! We had a great time capturing this beautiful family! Thanks for an awesome session, and thanks for being so patient! Enjoy your preview… I have soo many favorites
LOVE this!
You may remember Erin from her senior session last June. She joined us for a few pics with her niece and nephew
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